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http://www.Enterprise.comReimbursement for Travel-Related Expenses - Bulletin 3.4

Employee Expenses State Policy

Expense Reimbursement Rates

Travel Expense Audit Reference


Mileage Reimbursement & Use of Fleet Management and Enterprise Rental Cars

The Office of the Defender General has one Fleet Management lease car in Montpelier. Additionally, the Fleet Management Program has passenger vehicles available for daily rental in Montpelier, Waterbury, Burlington and Rutland.  The State of Vermont also has Enterprise rental cars available at various locations throughout the state. 

Car Use

If there is a Fleet ODG lease car available, employees should use the car. 

If there is not a Fleet ODG car available, and if the trip is less than 80 miles, employees should use their own vehicles and request mileage reimbursement at the full rate ($0.70 per mile effective 1/1/25); if the trip is more than 80 miles, employees should request a Fleet Management or Enterprise rental car, if a car is reasonably available. If Fleet Management and Enterprise rental cars are not available, employees may use their own vehicles and request mileage reimbursement at the full rate. 

Fleet Management Rental Reservations

  • Reservations for Fleet Management cars may be made on-line at:
  • Or by phone at 828-3821 or fax (828-3886).  The ODG Business Unit is 02110.  If you do not know your Customer Code, please call Central Office.
  • You should make reservations a minimum of 48 hours before your trip.
  • The Fleet Program will respond to reservation requests with either a reservation number or a statement of regret if they are unable to provide a vehicle to you, which must be attached to your mileage reimbursement request if you then drive your personal vehicle.

Enterprise Rental Cars

The State of Vermont also has Enterprise rental cars available at various locations throughout the state.

  • You need to make reservations directly through Enterprise Rent-A-Car at At the bottom of the page you will need to enter the Corporate Number and then the PIN.  If you do not know the Corporate Number and PIN, please call Central Office.